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Author: Ivan Levingston



Funding for European technology companies plunges by nearly half

Start-ups on the continent are expected to raise $45bn in 2023, down from $82bn last year, as US investors pull back.

Author: Isabella Ward



Foreign Investment in Europe’s Big Startups ‘Grinding to a Halt’

Overseas investment into Europe’s latter-stage technology startups dropped to a four-year low, according to a report from venture capital firm Atomico.

Author: Ryan Browne



European tech funding halves to $45 billion, back to pre-Covid levels — but AI is a bright spot.

Atomico’s “State of European Tech” report, published Tuesday, showed that overall funding for European venture-backed companies is projected to decline 45% in 2023 from a year ago.

Author: Katie Prescott



UK is Europe’s biggest destination for technology investment

Amid a downward trend in investment worldwide and a fall in American investment in European technology, the latest annual State of European Tech report by Atomico found that overall there was a marked drop in the amount of capital flowing into technology businesses after a period of growth in 2021.

Author: Nadine Schimroszik

Diese Trends machen Hoffnung für die Start-up-Branche in Europa

Start-ups wie auch Geldgeber kämpfen mit Zinswende und Wirtschaftsschwäche. Dennoch entstehen in Europa mehr Jungfirmen als in den USA. Ein neuer Bericht gibt einige positive Ausblicke.

Author: Charlie Perreau



Start-up : baisse record des montants levés en Europe en 2023

Les levées de fonds des jeunes pousses européennes vont atteindre 45 milliards de dollars cette année, contre 82 milliards en 2022, selon le rapport annuel du fonds de capital-risque Atomico. Une chute attendue après deux années d'euphorie.

Author: Supantha Mukherjee



European tech startup funding to fall to $45 billion in 2023 -Atomico

Total capital invested into European tech startups is projected to fall to $45 billion this year, down 55% from 2021, when investment volumes surpassed $100 billion for the first time, according to a report from venture capital firm Atomico.

Author: Ingrid Lunden

European startup funding halved to $42B in 2023, says Atomico

The downturn in the technology sector — dragged by inflation, higher interest rates and geopolitical events — continues to persist, and one of the most acutely impacted areas has been VC funding for startups, particularly those outside the U.S.

Author: Iain Martin



Funding For Europe’s Startups Slumps Again

The continent’s tech ecosystem saw just $45 billion invested this year down 38% from last year, and less than half from the peak of $100 billion in 2021.

Author: Dan Taylor



The State of European Tech 2023: Consistent, long-term growth

According to Atomico’s crunching of numbers, after the two rollercoaster years that were 2021 and 2022, the European tech ecosystem appears to have reached a state of equilibrium. 

Author: Kai Nicol-Schwarz



The top takeaways from Atomico’s State of European Tech report

Atomico’s 2023 State of European Tech report paints a topsy-turvy picture of European tech. Investors and founders alike are struggling to raise cash, investment has dropped on levels seen across 2021 and 2022 and funding for underrepresented founders is still embarrassingly poor.

Author: Camille Wong



Record de fonds fléchés vers les start-up climatiques européennes

Le secteur carbone/énergie est désormais le plus populaire en Europe, selon un rapport du fonds de capital-risque britannique Atomico. Il a capté plus d'un quart des financements cette année, devant la santé et le logiciel.